Monday, October 24, 2011

"Swift Flower"

These flowers were blowing in the wind and their long stems helped them sway back and forth.
They looked pretty "swift" as they just chilled in the breeze.

"Cuddly Dog"

This is Zeek. I took this noun, adjective quite literal and attempted to photograph him as a "cuddly dog". He wasn't too excited to cuddle so I thought it was funny the only way we could get him to sit still was with a treat... This is a cuddly dog waiting for a treat...

10 Rules of Composition

Avoid Mergers

Rule of Thirds


Leading Lines


KISS "Keep it Simple Stupid"


Biggest, Boldest, Brightest



Room for Logical Movement

Monday, October 17, 2011

My First Rule of Composition

I don't remember many of the photographic rules of
composition but I believe one of them is the rule of lines?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sugarloaf Mountain

So I went for a hike in Maryland up Sugarloaf Mountain with my friend Caroline.
During I took at least 150 photos but these are a few of my favorites..

We were waiting for the sun to set and a family had came and sat on the rocks,
the father was pointing out different areas on the horizon to his daughter

Then what could get more cliche than a man in uniform?
But it was so adorable they sat together and watched the sun set.

The hike up wasn't too bad, there were stone steps most of the way,
they were very narrow, and steep...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Light Beams

I was sitting in my room watching TV and i noticed as time went by a beam of light was leaking in to the room. As time went by it got larger and another formed as well. I thought it looked cool and tried to take different shots but it was difficult working with the light, especially trying to find good angles.

Hour in NYC

So this weekend I went home to NJ and instead of the usual drive back i decided to take the bus instead. The bus leaves out of NYC so I had to take a short trip there and wait until the bus arrived. As i was waiting I wandered a bit and just shot random things. Not all came out as I was hoping but here they are!..

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Spanish Milky Way

This photo I just happened to stumble across online. This was done by a photographer named Terje Sorgjerd. He had taken a photo of the Milky Way over El Teide, Spain, and I'm sure there is a little photoshop editing as well.